Nisha Adhikari becomes a mother, a mother of a US citizen

Nisha Adhikari has given birth to a son in USA. In an Instagram post she has shared the newborn child photo and has told that the baby, the father and the mother are well and happy.

Video report:

Nisha Adhikari gives birth to a US citizen. Sharad Veshwakar becomes father

According to the father, Sharad Veshwakar’s instagram post, the baby is named Yuvan Nisharad. Here is the photo and the status:

Instagram of the baby

When Miss Nepal 2009, Zenisha Moktan gave birth to her daughter, Dia Malhotra, she created an Instagram account right after the birth. The baby’s account is quite popular with over 6000 followers. In the similar manner, Nisha and Sharad had also created an account for their son. As they knew that the child will be a boy, they thought of the name and created the account almost a month in advance.

It seem’s Nisha’s son will also get the instant celebrity status – As I started creating video the follower count was 100 and now it is 170. The account has gained 70 followers in about two hours.

US Citizen

After being born in the U.S.A. Yuwan has automatically become the US Citizen. Although he can get a Nepali citizen and USA won’t object him being a Nepali. But, Nepal’s law is not as liberal. Dual citizenship is not allowed in Nepal. So, he can either can be a US Citizen or a Nepali citizen. There is no option to become both.

About Nisha’s pregnancy, I had created a pregnancy diary post with all of her Instagram posts embedded in it. Read the post here.

I wish Nisha speedy recovery from pregnancy and wish Nisha and Sharad a very beautiful and fun-filled parenthood. I wish Yuvan a very bright future.

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