Rajesh Hamal celebrates his first marriage anniversary in Pokhara

Nepali actor Rajesh Hamal celebrated his first marriage anniversary in Pokhara. At the age of 50, Rajesh had married 20 years younger Madhu Bhattarai were married on May 24, 2014. Rajesh and Madhu had a plan to go to the USA for their honeymoon. But, when Madhu’s visa application was delayed, they had to go to Pokhara for the honeymoon, that too, after a month of marriage. Rajesh went to Australia in an pre-scheduled program and couldn’t take Madhu with him. Although the honeymoon in USA couldn’t be a reality, they went to the USA in March this year.

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Celebration of the first anniversary in the place they went for honeymoon does make sense. In a Facebook post, Rajesh writes, “We cam for Pokhara tourism program on Thursday, which also happens to be our anniversary. Pokhara is great as ever paragliding and ultra light fly made our visit even more special.”

xNepali team wishes Rajesh and Madhu a happy marriage anniversary.

Here are some photos Rajesh shared:


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