Swastani Brata Katha (Audio and Mantra)

Listen to Swastani story here.

Swastani Brata Procudure

Recital of each Chapter of the Swastani Brata Katha is posted here (first 7 chapters more will be updated in near future).

This year’s Swastani Brata Katha starts from January 19, 2011 and lasts for a month. The Swasthani Brata Katha is a story recited everyday by one of the member of the household and other members listen to the story. Every day one chapter of the Swastani book is read.


There are procedures to start the story and end it properly.  Following is the mantra told at the start of the story:

At the end, another mantra is told to finish the story for the day:

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