Gadhimai Mela couldn’t be stopped.

gadhimai_buffalos Amidst protest from animal rights groups, artists, and spiritual leaders, Gadhimai Mela is being held ‘successfully’. More than 18000 buffalos were killed on the first day. It is told that the area is filled with blood and bodies of killed animals everywhere.

In the last effort to stop the inhuman ‘balee’ of animals, animal rights group went there to request the chief priest to stop the event. The priest played deaf ears. The local and central government didn’t take any steps to stop or minimize the killing in the event. The Chief of Police and other high ranking police officers went to the mela to offer their prayers. The Buddha Boy, who told that he will go there in person to stop the event, has disappeared.

The religious event is a perfect business opportunity for the organizers and the local people in the area. The 300-years-old mela organizers are expecting to raise NRs.140 million this year. Last time however, the mela could generate only NRs. 460 thousands. The low income was attributed to the Maoist civil war during the time.

It is very sad, such an event is being held with support from government and such a large number people.

There sure is a silver lining. In the previous years, such protests were unheard of. This year, many local and foreign media have covered the event and it is going to face much more criticism in future. The poll in the xnepali homepage shows 79% of votes against animal sacrifice.  Hopefully, next mela will be a ‘vegetarian’ one.

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Madan Krishna and Hari Bamsha against animal sacrifice

stop animal sacrifice The issue of animal sacrifice in Gadhimai mela is getting more attention as the mela date (Nov 22) is coming closer. First, animal right groups and the Buddha boy raised concern on half-a-million animals being killed in the mela. Now, others are following the quest to stop the inhuman act in the name of God.

The most popular comedians and leaders in social awareness, MaHa-duo (Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya), have come forward to back the protest. They were talking in a program organized by an animal rights group on November 13, in Patan, Lalitpur.

Hari Bamsha talked about a show in Chitawan National Park in which live buffaloes and goats were fed to wild tigers. The show was stopped when one of the tourists who saw the show wrote the government against it. The tourist asked the government to place the leaders in place of the goats and buffaloes for allowing a business to run a cruel show.

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