Actor and model CK Singh marrying Priti Singh, a dowry-less marriage

Actor and model Dr. CK Singh is marrying Priti Singh of Janakpur. The marriage is different than other such marriages in Terai regions. In the marriage Dr. Singh will not accept any dowry.

Dr. Singh is one of the goodwill ambassadors of a NGO fighting against child marriage and dowry tradition, BHORE. In one of the programs to create awareness against dowry system, Dr. Singh had promised not to take any dowry in his marriage. He kept his promise and has convinced his family and his to-be-wife’s family to perform dowry-less marriage. 

ck sing priti singh

In the beginning, both parties were not happy when he refused to accept dowry. It was not easy to continence them but, his reasoning worked and Dr. Singh and Priti are ready to marry on April 22, 2015.

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Garima Pant and Dr. CK Singh appointed Goodwill Ambassador of BHORE

A NGO that fights against child marriage and dowry system, BHORE, has appointed actress Garima Pant and Dr. CK Singh its Goodwill Ambassadors. Pant is currently working in a movie ‘Udaharan’, a movie to advocate empowering women and girl children.

As ambassadors, the actors will initiate campaign through interviews, press conferences and other similar campaigns.

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