Happy Buddha Jayanti

Gautam-Buddha 2554th birthday of Gautam Buddha is being observed in Nepal by conducting various Puja and candle lights.

Buddha Jayanti or also known as Buddha Purnima and it is the most sacred festivals of Buddhist. Buddha Purnima (Buddha Birthday) is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha.

  • His birth in 623 BC.
  • His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
  • His attainment of Nirvana (the complete extinction of his self) at the age of 80.

Buddha was born, got enlighten, and Nirvana (died) on the same day – Baishakh Purnima according to Nepali Calendar. It is the day of full moon on the month of Baisakh (April – May) and the strange, three-fold coincidence, gives Buddha Purnima its unique significance.

At the Buddha’s birthplace, Lumbini, candle lights are burned to remember the hero of peace.

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