Rekha Thapa in Lumbini for the shooting of Andaaj

Rekha Thapa is in Lumbini for the shooting of her sixth movie Andaaj. The following photo of Rekha was taken in the shooting spot of Lumbini.


Andaaj is being directed by Ujjwal Ghimire. In addition to Rekha Thapa, the movie will feature actors Jiwan Luitel and Sabin Shrestha in the leading role.

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Happy Buddha Jayanti

2554th birthday of Gautam Buddha is being observed in Nepal by conducting various Puja and candle lights.

Buddha Jayanti or also known as Buddha Purnima and it is the most sacred festivals of Buddhist. Buddha Purnima (Buddha Birthday) is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha.

  • His birth in 623 BC.
  • His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
  • His attainment of Nirvana (the complete extinction of his self) at the age of 80.

Buddha was born, got enlighten, and Nirvana (died) on the same day – Baishakh Purnima according to Nepali Calendar. It is the day of full moon on the month of Baisakh (April – May) and the strange, three-fold coincidence, gives Buddha Purnima its unique significance.

At the Buddha’s birthplace, Lumbini, candle lights are burned to remember the hero of peace.

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Travel Log Kathmandu – Pokhara – Palpa – Lumbini – Chitwan (Part 1)

By: Raju Shrestha

With lots of passion and enthusiasm I decided to take a break and go on leave to my beautiful home country Nepal with basic motive to set out for tour. Time just did not show no mercy and the schedule was so hectic and busy, visiting relatives and doing all those formalities! It was far more time consuming and expensive than anticipated. So, at last I need to make decision of short trip to Pokhara. We made a plan for 4 days. Kathmandu – Pokhara – Palpa – Lumbini – Chitwan – Kathmandu. So with this short listed places on our head we made our tank full and jet-off in search of natural pleasure. With every blow of air I thanked nature by blessing my country so much. Cool air blowing through, rivers and rivulets all over, huts and pure Nepali lifestyles added extra perfume of perfection that I was searching when I made my mind to go Nepal.

This was my first trip ever. I never thought, riding bikes or even sitting as a pillion is a hard job when it’s too long. So, we decided to take rest and eat lunch in Malekhu with fish, which was also fun altogether.

All I was doing was praising the charisma of nature. Halo shining through this pictures is a resemblance of excitement and pleasure to know the nature by so near.

Overtaking is indeed a tough job to accomplish neatly. A small mistake’s outcome is so big that we all are well aware. Ain’t it?

Finally, we reached Pokhara and decided to stay in lake-side for that night. Glad to see the beauty of over-hyped Fewa lake, clouds all around so no mountains.

The panorama was so good that we almost forgot our friends. All were busy taking snaps in their own world of imagination and excitement. Some time later we accumulated and decided to get back. There we regretted of not having group pictures, blaming each other we reached hotels to get some sleep.

Next morning we went to see Davis falls. Again it was so splendidly running looking at which I imagined how David actually fell here when there were no bars. It was another masterpiece or gift of nature.

Then we set out for our next destination Palpa. Getting there was actual fun, back pain caused by riding bike was easily overcome by the pleasure of eye experiencing nature.

I feel like I am in heaven when I was taking this picture.

(…to be continued.)