Nepali Movie – Jyoti (Dhurmus Suntali comedy film)

jyoti-nepali-movie-nameNepali Movie – Jyoti
StarringSitaram Kattel, Kunjana Ghimire, Surbir Pandit, Kamal Mainali, Yaman Shrestha, Januka Poudel KC, Deepak Acharya, Suresh Thapa, Bishnu Budhathoki etc.
Director – Dhurmus Suntali

About ‘Jyoti’

A social awareness comedy movie ‘Jyoti’ is made for the Government of Nepal in support of UNICEF Nepal. The child-friendly movie, features the camera of Gokul Adhikari, editing of Babin Bhatt, writing by Deepak Acharya who is also the chief assistant director.

Watch full movie ‘Jyoti’
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