Nepali Movie – Jaalo (Guinness world record holder one-shot film)

Nepali Film – Jaalo
Starring – Nir Shah, Menuka Pradhan, Muna Gauchan, Raymond Das Shrestha, Mohit Munal etc.
Director – Aaraj Khesav

About ‘Jaalo’

This movie is unique in the way it is produced – the movie is shot in one shot – without stopping the camera from start to the end. The suspense thriller film is woven around a wealthy businessman who falls victim to a conspiracy. The film shows how the police try to help the businessman to get out of the plot. The attempt to book the criminal and everything in the film is short in a single shot.

The film “JAALO” is the Guinness world record holder commercial movie – the longest one-shot movie and also the record holder of two movies filmed in one single continuous shot. The film starts on a fine sunny day when a phone rings in Bhupendra Shamsher JBR (Nir Shah)’s house and gets some threatening call.

Watch the full film:
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