When politics was more popular than movies, this speech cassettes was sold in black

This is a 45 minutes long video – featuring an address by a political leader some 32 years ago. At that time, audio was distributed in audio cassettes. This audio was so popular among the people that the manufacturer couldn’t meet the demand. Some cassettes were also sold in black market.

The political leader was Padma Ratna Tuladhar, the first major politician who declared that the single party Panchayat system of that time was not suitable for the country of the people in the parliament at that time. The election and the political movement led to the people’s uprising of 2046 BS. That was three years after the address of Padma Ratna.

Padma Ratna Tuladhar died today (on November 4, 2018). In memory of the great leader, I have shared the 3-decade old political address of the leader. The address gives a glimpse of what the situation of Nepal was:

May Padma Ratna’s soul rest in peace.
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