Nepali Movie – Tirkha (Jiwan Luitel, Poojana Pradhan, Nandita KC)

tirkha nepali movieNepali Movie – Tirkha
Starring – Jiwan Luitel, Poojana Pradhan, Nandita KC, Uday Shah, BS Balami etc.
Director – Nirmal KC

About ‘Trikha’

The Nepali movie ‘Tirkha’ is a presentation of LR Bibek for Super Kollywood Films banner. The producer, LR Bibek is also the chief assistant director of the movie. The action by Babu Balami, editing by Anil Gautam and music by Laxman Shesh. The story, script and dialogue are also written by LR Bibek.

The movie is an important movie for the actor – Jiwan Luitel because, it was his first movie.

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