Chinese Ambasador Nepali dance on the Women’s Day, 2019 (Video)

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Hou Yanqi performs in a Nepali song to mark Women’s Day – March 8, 2019. She wore Nepali dress and danced to a Nepali song ‘Chari Jastai Udna Paye…..’


To mark the 109th International Women Day, the programs was held in the capital on March 8. The event was inaugurated by Minister for Women, Children and Senior Citizens Tham Maya Thapa, the program was organized by Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu on Friday.

The song was chosen tp matches with the theme of the International Women’s Day 2019: Think equal, build smart, innovate for change.

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Priyanka, Zenisha, Jharana – International Women’s Day 2018 messages

Women are the half world. But, in most of the day to day activities, males dominate the society. To promote and empower women, world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8 every year. In addition to that, the whole month, March is being celebrated as the month for women.

To celebrate Women’s day a lot of celebrities wrote inspiring status in their social media. I have collected some of the interesting statements.

I have created a video about Nisha Adhikari, a fighter actress of the Nepali film industry:

निशा अधिकारीका यस्ता ५ अनुहारहरु रहेछन - 5 Faces of nisha adhikari (Happy Women's Day)

And, I liked the letter Miss Nepal 2009, Zenisha Moktan wrote to her new born daughter. Here is the video report:
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