Zhigrana releases the scene deleted by Censor Board

We had rightly predicted that the scene would be objected by the Board. The board has asked the film makers to delete the scene but, failed to stop them from distributing it in the internet.

zhigrana scene intimate

Now, as it is available more widely in the internet, anybody can see the sex scene the Censor Board had found objectionable. The sad truth is, even after deleting the sex scene, the movie is given an ‘A’ certificate, saying it is only suitable for adult audience.

The film production team apparently is not happy by the decision of the Board and has decided to release the scene in YouTube to show that it is not what adults are accustomed to watch. With the video, ‘Zhigrana’ team have also written the definition of ‘A’ certificate and asked the viewers to tell if it was fair.

You can watch the video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA5WX9fuVZc

Golden Yak Entertainment, the producer of the movie, says:

Censor Board’s explanation to cut our scenes from our movie Zhigrana was that it was too bloody and sexual. We are talking about Nepal where the Kamasutra was born. Our temples in Patan and other places has Gods with different sexual position engraved in the walls of the temple itself. We’ve been seeing that since we were kids.

According to the Nepali tradition in "Dashain" we sacrifice animal by slitting just the throat so the blood washes the statue of the god. That’s as most violently graphic for a kid to see in any part of the world and it is in our culture and tradition and we are brought up with it. Censor Board should realize that and should embrace it rather than just cutting scenes where it cost us a lot of money.

Censor Boards job is to rate movies such as U rated, UA rated, or A rated which defines what age group should watch the movie. The posters should have the stamp of that certificate so the viewers know what kind of movie it is. The choice should be given to viewers to watch or not watch…not for the censor board to cut or not cut.

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