Nepali movie – Kismat

kismat-rekhaNepali film – Kismat
Starring Rekha Thapa, Biraj Bhatt, Aryan Sigdel, Nir Shah, Harihar Sharma, Subhadra Adhikari, Jitu Nepal, Gopal Nepal (Fiste) etc.
Story / Direction – Ujjwal Ghimire

Watch full movie ‘Kismat’ in a single part:

KISMAT | Nepali Full Movie | Rekha Thapa | Biraj Bhatta | Aryan Sigdel

Kismat 2

KISMAT 2 | किस्मत २ | Blockbuster Nepali Movie | Shilpa Pokharel, Kishor Khatiwada, Prithivi Raj

About ‘Kismat’

The Nepali movie made on the story of the director Ujjwal Ghimire is the third movie of Rekha Thapa’s banner Rekha Films. The well known actor of current time, Aryan Sigdel had debuted in the movie. It is also credited as the first movie featuring Biraj Bhatt in a leading role. The movie is produced by Guna Cinema and Chhabi Raj Ojha is the executive producer of the movie. The movie was released on the Baisakh of 2064 BS.

One of the most successful movies of Rekha Thapa’s banner Rekha Films, Kismat, is the third movie under the banner. Although the story and few scenes are exact copies of various Hindi movies, presentation has made it popular among viewers.

The sequel of the movie ‘Kismat 2’ is ready for release. The sequel doesn’t repeat any of the artists of the original film except the director Ujjwal Ghimire.

Star Cast of ‘Kismat’

Biography and the the list of movies featuring Rekha Thapa:

rekha thapa films

Biography of Biraj Bhatt and the movies posted in xnepali featuring Biraj Bhatt:

biraj bhatt films

Biography of Aryan Sigdel and the list of movies featuring Aryan Sigdel in xnepali:

aryan sigdel's films

Enjoy our collection of Nepali movies.

Kismat poster

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