English Miss Teen, Nepal (update)

This is not another Miss Teen!

There are a couple of videos from one of the Miss Teen events (It is Riddhi Siddhi Miss Teen not the Republica Miss Teen) posted below. Contest, organizers, and location doesn’t really matter here. What matters is how they are organized and trained. The primary language of the event is English and the participant Teens find it really difficult.

I know, the winner of the event might need to participate in international arena. But, does that mean the primary language of the event should be made English when their first language is not English? My first language is not English and at times I find myself short of words while writing here. I have time… I can take forever to post an article and still my English sucks at times. These kids have talked in Nepal all their lives and they had to practice each lines they speak by heart – I am wondering, how can they be creative in the event?

Enough of talks. Let’s see the video and see how funny it looks when the participants introduce themselves in English.

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