Rare Photo – Late King Birendra, Honeymoon tour to Europe (1970)

Then Crown Prince Birendra Bir Bikram Shah and Crown Princess Aishwarya of Nepal wait in Frankfurt airport during their honeymoon tour of Europe in 1970.

Crown Prince Birendra and Crown Princess Aishwarya in Frankfurt airport _ honeymoon tour of Europe

Photo via – Babra Saheba

Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, then Crown Prince of Nepal married Aishwarya in 1969 (Birendra and Aishwarya were second cousins). She became the crown princess of Nepal after marriage.

After King Mahendra died in 1972, Birendra became the new King and Aishwarya became the Queen of Nepal. They ruled the country until their death in 2001 in Royas Massacre. Aishwarya was told to be more active and dominant to the King.