Rejina Upreti to romance in London during Dashain

Nepali actress Rejina Upreti is planning to go to London to celebrate Dashain. Usually Nepali in foreign countries return back to Nepal on the biggest Nepali festival, but this beautiful actress is planning the opposite – leaving Nepal to celebrate Dashain. In London, in addition to meeting her boyfriend Suraj Pokharel, she will also premier her upcoming movie ‘Bardan’ for the Nepali viewers living in London.


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Rajesh Hamal tells RajeshDai jokes

We had shared some Rajesh Dai jokes in our Nepali blog last year. The jokes have become so popular that himself likes them and enjoys telling them to people. Rajesh Hamal is currently in the USA for Dashain and Tihar and he is sharing the jokes to the people over there.


We previously posted a photo of Rajesh Hamal telling joke. Now, it is time for a video recording of three of his favorite Rajesh Dai jokes.

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