Nepali Movie – Jiwandata

jiwan-dataNepali Film – Jiwan Data
Starring Rajesh Hamal, Ramit Dhungana, Biraj Bhatt, Jharana Thapa, Rajesh Dhungana, Mukunda Thapa, Umesh Thapa, Rejina Upreti, Jenny Kunwar, Ishan Raut etc.
Director – Achyut Adhikari, Ukesh Dahal

The movie ‘Jiwandata’ is a presentation of Sushil Pokharel and is made on the joint direction of Achuyt Adhikari and Ukesh Dahal. Subtitled ‘Kidnap and Murder for cash’ is a crime thriller with a lot of action and fun. The movie features six top actors of Nepali film industry – , Biraj Bhatt, Ramit Dhungana, Jharana Thapa, Rejina Upreti, and Jenny Kunwar.

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Nepali Movie – Lobh Le Labh Labh Le Bilap

lobh le labhNepali Film – Lobh Le Labh Labh Le Bilap
StarringRajaram Poudel, Basundhara Bhusal, KP Pathak, Aasma Pradhan, Sashi Pradhan etc.
Director – Agyaat

Nepali comedy film ‘Lobh Le Labh Labh Le Bilap’ is a presentation of Anish Films Unit. The movie is shot by Rameshowr Shukla and Deepak Shrestha Shree, music by BK Rana, dance by Rupin Dangol and produced by Raju Shrestha.

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