On Friday, February 19, 2016, three new Nepali movies are releasing in theater. Karishma Manandhar‘s production movie ‘Fagu’, Anil Thapa’s movie ‘Ko Afno’ and BS Balami’s movie ‘Soldier’ are competing to attract viewers in theater.
Details of each of the movie are given below:
The comeback movie of the producer Karishma Manandhar after the failure of ‘Babu Shaheb’ is expected to win the hearts of the viewers. The female oriented movie is made on the story of a woman in Terai. Actress Shilpa Pokharel is in the leading role in the movie with other artists Rajesh Hamal, Gauri Malla, Pramod Agrahari, Subash Parajuli and Tika Pahari. The movie is directed by Samjhana Upreti Rauniyar. The movie features the music of Basanta Sapkota, action of Himal KC, editing of Bipin Malla, choreography of Kamal Rai and cinematography of Ram Sharan upreiti. The movie is mostly shot in Birgunj and the surrounding area.