Types of mothers in Nepali film industry, celebrity mothers and the mothers of celebrities

There are different types of mothers in Nepali film industry. Some mothers are celebrity mothers others are housewife mothers. I found a nice compilation of different types of mothers in which some mothers are like Sunita Paneru, the mother of actress Archana Paneru. Sunita did something no other Nepali mothers have done or might do to her daughter. It is strange, how a mother can encourage her daughter to smokes and drink. That is the reason she is in the top of the list.

Other mothers are celebrity mother themselves like actress Karishma Manandhar, Jharana Thapa, and Suvekshya Thapa. All these mothers have grown up daughters who are old enough to be featured as actresses. Despite of their old age, they still are featured as young girls in the movies.

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