17th years – Everything about the Royal Massacre (June 1, 2001)

An army staff at Narayanhiti Lal Bahadur Lamteri claimed that Crown Prince Dipendra was the one who was killed before everybody else in the June 1, 2001. Lamteri’s claim that Prince Paras brought a person wearing a Dipendra look-alike mask. But, whole account of Lamteri doesn’t seem convincing.  The official report of the government probe commission had accused Dipendra for the killing. The report in itself is unbeilable and unreliable.

Whoever did it, the royal family member was left with only the family of Gyanendra. Those who didn’t survive the night include:

  1. King Birendra
  2. Queen Aishswarya
  3. Prince Dipendra
  4. Prince Nirajan
  5. Princess Shruti
  6. Prince Dhirendra
  7. Princess Shanti
  8. Princess Sharadaa
  9. Kumar Khadga Bikram Shah
  10. Princess Jayanti

Even if the main accused, Dipendra, did the massacre – he is not to be solely responsible. There are people who might have brain-washed Dipendra or encouraged the event. Video report on what happened on that day:

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