4 pregnant celebrities – Priyanka Karki, Reecha Sharma, Garima Panta and Singh

At least four celebrities are expecting child in coming few months. The celebrities include :

A video report on it:

Reecha Sharma and Deepekshya Bikram Rana

Reecha got married with Deepkakshya last year. After a year of marriage, the couple has decided to welcome the third member in their family. Reecha shared the good news in Facebook while watering a plant she had planted in her home to welcome the new member of the family.

Garima Panta and Hari Sharma Thapaliya

The ‘Jhola’ actress is currently living in Belgium with her husband Hari for the last 5 years. She has announced her pregnancy by sharing baby-bump photo with her husband. Garima and her husband are running sushi restaurant in Belgium. The restaurant Gari Sushi was started when Garima went to Belgium and before she announced her marriage.

Garima shows off her baby bump in a photo she has shared in social media.

Priyanka Karki and Ayushman Desarj Joshi

Another actress who got married last year is pregnant now is Priyanka. Like Garima Priyanka had also shared baby bump photo with her husband in social media a few days prior to Garima.

Nanda Singh and Ramesh Prasai

A well known speaker Ramesh Prasai also got married with a social worker Nanda Singh. The blind couple are also expecting child in a few months. Nanda has admitted the rumour to be true.

Apart from these celebrities there might be more surprises in coming day because it was a very slow year, last year.

Priyanka Kakri smiles as Ayushman Desraj Joshi makes a love sign by his hand on top of her baby bump.

Priyanka Karki shows the belly in a photo she shared in social media.

Garima Panta and her husband Hari Sharma Thapaliya showing Garima’s baby bump in latest photos shared in her social media account.

Photo credits – respective celebrities.

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