This is the fourth sequel of the hit-series of ‘Ae Mero Hajur”. The lead characters have repeated in this sequel from the earlier release – Anmol KC and Suhana Thapa. They were featured together in the 3rd sequel – Watch the 3rd part of the movie here.
Before that, the second sequel was a bit different as the movie featured new actors Salin Man Baniya and Samragyee RL Shah. Watch A Mero Hajur 2. The movie marked the debut of the actress Jharana Thapa as the director of Nepali movie. She was featured in the leading role with Sri Krishna Shrestha. The original movie was released a long time back. Jharana used the name as a milestone of her directing career. After the success of the first sequel, she has already directed two more block-buster movies by the same name. Apart from establishing herself as a successful director of Nepali movies, she has also helped her daughter Suhana Thapa in cementing her position as a successful actress.
‘A Mero Hajur 3 was released in 2018 and was liked by the viewers. The movie was made on the story of a celebrity and his fan. The movie produced by Sunil Kumar Thapa, husband of the director Jharana Thapa and father of actress Suhana Thapa.
Jharana’s first directorial debut ‘A Mero Hajur 2’ was also successful. In her second movie, she had introduced her own daughter Suhana Thapa in leading role and she had signed Anmol KC in a record-breaking remuneration in the Nepali film industry. The third sequel marked the first film of Anmol in which he had repeated his female opposite – Suhana Thapa.
A gossip of the relationship between the lead actors, Anmol and Suhana has been going on since their first movie together. Suhana has told that she is highly impressed by the Anmol KC and they both are the devotee of Lord Krishna. Apart from being vegetrian, they seem to have a lot of things in common.