Cabinet Meeting at the foot hills of Mt. Everest

gorakshep In a call to the world community to see the impact of climate change in the Himalayas, Nepal government council of ministers are meeting at the foothills of Mt Everest on December 4, 2009.

The ministers are meeting at Gorakshep, at an elevation of 5,164 m (17,190 ft) above sea level. Gorakshep, meaning Dead Ravens, is a frozen lakebed covered with sand. Twenty 20 cricket match was held at Gorakshep to set a World Record Altitude for field sport.

After the meeting the Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, will held a press meet at Syangboche (11,523 ft) to brief about the meeting.

The cabinet meeting will be live telecasted by Nepal Television. About sixty people including twenty seven minister, their staffs, security personnel, doctors, and journalists will fly to Lukla on December 3rd and stay overnight there.

The event is being held 3 days ahead of the world Copenhagen meet on climate change where Prime Minister Nepal is scheduled to speak on the theme.

(Google map view of Gorakshep)

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