Karishma Manandhar passes Grade 9 and goes to Grade 10

Actress Karishma Manandhar has passed grade 9 exam and has been promoted to grade 10. The actress in her late 40s has started going to school to complete her studies. She started in grade 8 and now she is in her third year in school.

Karishma had been studiying in Triveni School, Maitidevi since grade 9. Now, she is continuing in the school in grade 10. After the result, Karishma told, “I was sure to pass but, I din’t expect such a good grade in the examination. Karishma told that the year was good. In Grade 10 she is planning to take extra classes to prepare herself for the SSE examination.

Karishma started as an actress in ‘Santan’ when she was 14 years old. She was in grade 8 at that time. After her debut was successful and she had a very high demand in the film industry, she left the education and fully focused in acting. To improve her acting skills, Karishma also went to Mumbai to study acting. She worked in a number of Bollywood films while in Mumbai. When her acting debut in Bollywood wasn’t successful, she returned back to Nepal. In the mean time, she married Binod Manandhar and gave birth to a daughter.

Apart from acting, Karishma had produced a couple of films during that time. Although her first production film regained the investment, the second film was a total disaster. She felt so bad that she decided to leave the film industry. Karishma took her daughter with her to the USA and lived there for some time. She returned back to Nepal and left her daughter in the USA to complete her studies.

These days, Karishma’s daughter, Kabita Manandhar is a University graduate and has returned back to Nepal and is preparing to debut as an actress. Karishma is planning to direct a film in which she is planning to introduce her daughter.

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