Karishma Manandhar – political blunder again!

Karishma Manandhar accuses journalists while Hisila Yami says anti-partriotic slogan was a tongue slip

Nepali actress and the leader of Naya Shakti Nepal, Karishma Manandhar has accused journalists of fabricating the scenes of Hisila Yami chanting anti-patriotic slogan. Hisila was chanting “Yo Deshlai Kharej gar” (meaning “revoke this country”) while she was being transported away after being arrested by the police. It is clear that Hisila was chanting such a slogan after being stressed out of the protest program. She admitted her mistake and organized a press meet to explain the truth.

In the press meet, Hisila Yami admitted her mistake and told that she was tired and didn’t know what she was chanting at that time. She also expressed her love for the country and told that she would never mean to revoke the country. She told that she meant to revoke the election legislation that was passed recently.

What did Karishma say?

In the other hand – another leader of Naya Shakti Nepal party, actress Karishma Manandhar didn’t seem to have discussed the matter with Hisila or the party before accused the journalists of fabricating the news.

(screenshot credit – Gajendra Budhathoki)

Karishma wrote the Facebook status in Nepali language. She wrote:

I am a film artist, I know the technology. Somebody dubbed the voice of Hisila Yami for her character assassination. They didn’t know, the voice in the open doesn’t have echo. Do some more dubbing and add more fake voices.

This is not the first political blunder of one of the most popular actress of the Nepali movie industry. Karishma’s mistakes during the inauguration ceremony of Naya Shakti Nepal had also made headlines.

What did Hisila Yami say?

The Naya Shakti leader Hisila Yami was in the protest program her husband and leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. Naya Shakti and other smaller parties had teamed up to protest against a new law that questions the existence of smaller political parties. The new law takes away the rights of smaller parties to get an unique election sign to represent the party.

The new legislation sets a minimum percentages of votes a party needs to obtain to be considered a party for the election purpose and given a party election symbol. Naya Shakti and other smaller parties have teamed up against the “conspiracy of big parties” to wipe out the smaller ones. According to the new legislation, there are a very few parties that are eligible to be considered National parties.

हिसिला यमीको नारा यस्तो छ -- "यो देशलाई खारेज गर" - Hisila Yami anti patriotic solgan

Hisila’s press meet video:

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