Keki Adhikari marries Rohit Tiwari, a young entrepreneur

Actress Keki Adhikari has married a Forbes’ 30 under 30 of 2020, Rohit Tiwari.

Video update:
Keki Adhikari Biography on her wedding: a very secret & private marriage with boyfriend Rohit Tiwari

Sharing her marriage photos in her social media, Keki has thanked everybody for the love and support in her life. Here is the screenshot of her statement.

The news of her marriage was released just a day before the actual event. At that time I had done a detailed report on who Keki’s husband is. Here is the report and the summary of the biography of Rohit Tiwari:

Keki Adhiakari marrying a 30-years-old Forbes award winning entrepreneur Foodmario CEO, Rohit Tiwari

Rohis has written in his Twitter profile – he is Forbes 30 under 30 Asia, 2020. He says himself a dreamer, entrepreneur, and a hard-worker. He says he is the CEO of and Co-founder of Foodmario.

Rohit Tiwari is 30 years old. and he is a new-age entrepreneur who has done a lot of startups.

By training, he is an Electronics Engineer. Out of many startups Foodmario is the currently serving Nepali customers by supplying food made at homes and supplying to wide range of customers.

Rohit had actually started a business when he was at college. While eating rice at the canteen he came up with an idea of doing business with the rice. That was the beginning of a bright future as an entrepreneur for Rohit.

Later, during the load shedding time, he started a solar company. The company was doing good business although he had difficulty in managing the business. The business was a stable cash supply for him at that time.

He also started a goat farming business and selling them online. That was innovative and out of the box idea. But, that didn’t work well because of the unpredictability of livestock. The uncertainty of the health of the goats and their end result was not as easy as expected.

When Kulman Ghising ended load shedding in Kathmandu, Rohit’s solar business was out of business. His cash supply stopped and he started another business for cleaner air. That too didn’t work.

After that, he started Foodmario with his friends. That was the innovative idea that worked. He was awarded awards for the concept.

And, Keki Adhikari is also a business graduate. She has produced movies and is working in various ventures. It seems, they have really good team up in future ventures.
All the best to Keki and Rohit for their married life.

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