Miss Pink and First South Asia Gay Sport tournament organized in Nepal

A gay rights group in Nepal, Blue Diamond Society, has organized the first South Asia Gay Sport tournament in Kathmandu. With more than 300 gay, bisexual and transgender athletes from 30 different countries participated in the sports tournament. The sports event started on October 12 and concluded on October 14, 2012 with various sports events including kabaddi, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and Karate.


In addition to sports event, Miss Pink Nepal beauty contest was also held in the capital. In the contest with 14 participants, Purnim
a won the Miss Pink Nepal 2012 crown and a cash prize of Rs. 15,000. Purnima will represent Nepal in the Miss Pink 2013 beauty contest to be held in Thailand. The president of Blue Diamond Society, Sunil Babu Pant crowned the winner of the beauty contest. (credit –badmasi)

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