Mothers day – Mother actresses

We wrote and posted photos of the mothers of some actresses. Some actresses are mothers themselves and  we have collected the photos of some of the mother actresses and their son/daughters.

Actress Karishma Manandhar has a daughter in her late teens, Kabita Manandhar. Kabita is currently in the US for further studies.

karishma with her daughter cheers

Actress Melina Manandhar and actor Mukesh Dhakal have a 3-years old daughter.

An actress daughter, Arunima Lamsal also has a daughter. Arunima’s mother Bhabu Lamsal is a character actress in movies and television.

Actress Sanchita Luitel got married to Nikhil Upreti and they have two kids.

Actress Richa Ghimire and director Shankar Ghimire have a son. 

Actress Jharana Thapa and producer Sunil Kumar Thapa also have a teenage daughter, Suhana Thapa.

Another actress Suvekchya Thapa also has a teenage daughter.

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