Namrata, Aditi, Anmol, Sahana, Karishma … mothers of Nepali celebrities

On the occasion of Mother’s Day (on April 26, 2017) here are the mothers of some of the celebrities in Nepal.

A video report:

अदिती, नम्रता देखि आयुष्मान सम्मका आमाहरु - Mothers Day speical

One of the top actress of the year, Namrata Shrestha with her mother on Mother’s Day 2017:

VJ and model Sahana Bajracharya with her mother on the Mothers Day:

‘Kri’ actress Aditi Budhathoki with her parents:

Actress Deeya Maskey with her mother and her sister:

The daughter of actress Karishma Manandhar with her grandmother (Karishma’s mother)

Actress and Miss Nepal 2011, Malina Joshi with her mother

A new actress, Miruna Magar with her mother and sister during Miruna’s graduation ceremony.

Actress Nisha Adhikari mother and father:

Actress Pooja Chand (Pooja R. Lama)’s daughter Divya Chand and Divya’s grand mother mother (Pooja’s mother)

Actor Raymon Das Shrestha with his mother

Actress Reecha Sharma with her mother:

‘Darpan Chhaya’ debut actress Shraddha Prasai with her mother:

Rajesh Hamal with his mother in his teens:

‘Kri’ actor Anmol KC with his mother – actress, producer and to-be-director Sushmita KC:

Miss Nepal 2002 Malvika Subba’s mother. Malvika took her mother in a date on the Mother’s day of 2017.

‘Chapali Height 2’ debut actress Paramita RL Rana with her model model:

The mother of actress Yuna Upreti:

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