Namrata Shrestha confirmed to do Ekata Mahat in Purple Days

It was in 2009 we talked about the movie – ‘Purple Days’ to be made on the life story of HIV positive social activist Ekata Mahat and Namrata Shrestha to do the role of the lead character. Now it seems, the movie will be made and Namrata has signed the agreement. The movie is expected to go on floor in a month.

namrata shrestha - to do ekata

The movie is being made by Eye Core Films. In the last two years, script was written based on the investigations and research on the life of Ekata.

Ekata started taking drug at the age of 14 and went through high and lows in her life. She had lived in road, abused drugs, she was raped and she had to abort the baby. After the turbulent life Ekata started living a drug-free life while helping the other people in a rehabilitation center – National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nepal (NAP+N).

While Ekata’s life was turbulent, Namrata, the actor who will play Ekata’s role isn’t less turbulent. At the time ‘Purple Days’ was first rumored, Namrata’s sex scandal video was recently released and Namrata’s future in the movie industry was questioned. In the last 4 years, a lot has changed and Namrata has re-established herself as one of the most capable actress.

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