Nepali Movie – Dakshina

dakshinaNepali Movie -Dakshina
Starring: Niruta Singh, Bhuwan KC, Tulsi Ghimire, Satyajit Gajamer, Dolly Thapa, Rajaram Poudel, Pukar Gurung, Shrawan Ghimire etc.
DirectorTulsi Ghimire

The film ‘Dakshina’ is a presentation of Ajambari Films Pvt. Ltd. The movie features great music and heart touching story – probably one of the best movies of Tulsi Ghimire. In addition to directing Tulsi has also written the story ad did the editing of the film.

Tulsi Ghimire told that, he wanted to present this movie as the gift (Dakshina) to his Guru whom he had promised to make ten Nepali movie. Tulsi however didn’t left Nepali movie industry.

full film in single part:

Dakshina (Nepali Movie) ft. Bhuwan K.C, Niruta Singh, Tulsi Ghimire, Bhatati Ghimire

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