Nepali Movie – Gorkhali

gorkhali1Nepali film – Gorkhali
Starring Shree Krishna Shrestha, Jharana Thapa, Gauri Malla, Narayan Tripathi, Muralidhar, Rabi Khadka etc.
Director – Gyanendra Deuja

Watch full movie ‘Gorkhali’

Credit – OSR Digital

About ‘Gorkhali’

The movie on the world renowned Gorkha army, ‘Gorkhali’ is a presentation of Sunil Kumar Thapa for Jharana Motion Pictures. The movie featuring late actor Shree Krishna Shrestha  also features Mithila Sharma in guest role. The story of the movie is written by late director and writer Shiva Regmi.

Star Cast of ‘Gorkhali’

The movie features the last actor Shree Krishna Shrestha in leading role with actress Jharana Thapa. Both Shree Krishna and Jharana are the top actors of Nepali movie industry. Shree Krishna’s sudden death in 2014 was a huge tragedy in the Nepali movie industry.

Jharana Thapa is preparing to debut as a director in her upcoming movie ‘A Mero Hajur 2’. The movie is the sequel of her previous hit movie ‘A Mero Hajur’. The movie is going to feature actress Samragyee RL Shah, a ‘Dreams’ debut actress.

Actress Gauri Malla is another attraction of ‘Gorkhali’. The senior actress, Gauri, was recently duped by a Nepali in Japan. Well known Bollywood actor, Muralidhar, is also an attraction in the movie. The comedy actor Narayan Tripathi is also featured in the movie.

Biography of Shree Krishna Shrestha and the list of movies featuring Shree Krishna:

films of shreekrishna shrestha

The biography and the list of movies of Jharna Thapa:

jharana thapa films

Biography of Shiva Ragmi and a list of his movies posted in xnepali:
films of shiva regmi

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