Nepali Movie – Harilanthu

harilanthu nepali movieNepali Movie – Harilanthu
StarringGopal Raj Mainali, Ramesh Mathare, Sabita Gurung, Shyam Rai, Kishor Bhandari, Keshav Sapkota, Uttam Kode, Loknath Dhakal, RP Bhattarai etc.
Director – Shankar Ghimire

The movie ‘Harilanthu’ is a presentation of RC Films by Raju Giri. The comedy movie is produced by Ramchandra Poudel and Sankhar Giri.

Full movie in two parts:

This is place holder of the movie. I will update this post as soon as the movie is made available online.

The actor Gopal Raj Mainali is the most popular comedy actor in Nepali films. His daughter Sajja Mainali was featured in a number of Nepali movies as an actress before she got married and moved to the USA. The actor in the movie, Kishor Bhandari, is known as Dittha Sab after his comedy serial in television. Most of the actors featured in the movie are also featured in various comedy serials in television. The director, Shankar Ghimire is the husband of actress Richa Ghimire. Shankar and Richa are currently living in the USA. (As of September 2015).

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