Actress Reema Bishowkarma marries a UK NRN

Actress Reema Bishowkarma has married her lover of a year, Robert Lungun Bishowkarma in a ceremony held at Hotel Hyatt in Bouddha, Kathmandu. The event was held on September 27, 2015 among the friends and family of the bride and the groom. Reema and Robert had secretly engaged and the news of the marriage was unveiled a couple of days earlier to the actual event.

reema bk and rob bk marriage - ring

Reema’s movie ‘Bhale Fight’ was released on Friday and she was busy in the promotion of the movie days before the marriage. Reema had chosen the movie’s release date to introduce her husband to the media. Reema and Robert have promised that Reema will continue to work in entertainment sector even after the marriage.

The couple have invited their friends and family in the evening for a reception party.

Following video was prepared before the marriage:

Reema BK started her career in journalism in television. She entered modeling and eventually debuted in the movie ‘Swor’. After the movie she was also featured in movies like ‘Visa Girl’ (watch ‘Visa Girl’ here) and ‘Ritu’ (watch ‘Ritu’ here). Reema is reportedly working or signed in half-a-dozen movies now. Reema is a well known model in music videos. Reema is a graduate in journalism.

Reema is not planning to go to the UK right after the marriage as she has some unfinished jobs to complete. Later she is planning to go to UK and come back to Nepal to work from time to time.

Who is Robert ?

Originally from Dharan, Reema’s husband Robert is a resident of Reading, UK. Robert Lungun Bishowkarma is nicknamed Rob by his friends and families. A master’s level gradate in mathematics, Robert, is working as Transformation Project Manager at Verizon Enterprise.

Robert wrote a message to Reema in regards to her Facebook status update on the politics in Nepal. Reema replied and the communication started between them. Reema and Robert credit Facebook for their introduction. After making the decision to marry, Robert and Reema talked with their families and started the marriage preparation. (Rob’s Facebook profile)

xNepali team congratulates the new husband and wife. We wish their love grows as the time passes and wish Reema continues to work in the Nepali movies after the marriage.

We hope the marriage won’t turn out to be like that of other actresses, as discussed in the following video. The video analyses the Nepali and Bollywood actresses after marriage:

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