Nepali Movie – Timinai Basyau Mero Manma

timinai basyau mero manamaNepali Movie – Timinai Basyau Mero Manma
Starring, Amar Thapa, Dinesh Sharma, Narayan Tripathi, Sunil Thapa, Mukunda Kishor Bhattarai, Gopal Bhutani etc.
Director – Banni Pradhan

Nepali film ‘Timinai Basyau Mero Manma’ is a presentation Samundra Bhattachan for Taka Films Production banner. Guest artists in the film are Ganesh Upreti, Anita KC, Simanta Udash, Bishnu Malla and Rajani Rana Magar. The film features art by Gopal Bhutani, background music by Parashuram Chaudhary, script / dialogue Abinash Shrestha, action by Rajendra Khadgi, choreography by Shanta Nepali / Basanta Shrestha, editing by Narendra Khadka, cinematography by Chandraprakash Ghimire, music by Sambhujit Baskota and produced by Mohan Deep Rana.

Full movie in two parts:

This is place holder of the movie. I will update this post as soon as the movie is made available online.

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