Nisha Adhikari to climb Kilimanjaro mountain in October

The first Nepali actress to climb Mt. Everest, Nisha Adhikari, has announced her next climb – Mt. Kilimanjaro mountain, the highest peak in Africa. Nisha is going to Africa on September 30 to start the ascent on October 1. According to Nisha’s schedule, she will reach the peak on October 9, 2015.

Nisha-adhikari to climb african mountain

Nisha is planning to take the National Flag of Nepal to the top of Kilimanjaro. It is the same flag that Nisha had taken to the top of Mt. Everest. With the Nepal’s flag, Nisha will also take the flag of the Nepali Artists Association to the top.

In a press meet organized in Kathmandu, Nisha told that she represents Nepal to climb the mountain. In the press meet artists like Krishna Malla, Rabindra Khadka, Nawal Khadka, Yogendra Khadka and Laxmi Giri were present.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro mountain is a volcanic mountain located in Tanzania. The highest mountain in Africa is 5,895 meters (19,341 ft) above sea level. The mountain is one of the major climbing destinations in the world. The first recorded climber of the mountain were Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller who reached the peak in 1889.

The mountain is a part of the Kilimanjaro National Park. A lot of scientific studies are being conducted at the mountain because of its shrinking glaciers.

Annual fund raising

Nisha had been planning to climb Kilimanjaro for a while. At the start of the month, Nisha had shared her plan to use the extra fund raised for the climb for social causes. She is planning to distribute blankets and warm clothes to those in need, especially children. Nisha told, “All my cost is taken care of. I am targeting to raise 25 lakh from this climb to purchase around 5000 blankets.”

Nisha has assured that she will share all the details of the fund collected and spending details as transparent as possible. She has also promised to handle the campaign personally. She has also thought of continuing such events every year.

For those who want to donate, they can so in cash or warm clothes / blankets as they find convenient. Nisha is also willing to take a banner representing a product or a company or a cause for the fund-raising effort.

Days before Nisha’s return back to Nepal from the USA, the NSA at UTA had handed her $2,000 for her campaign. Nisha is going to use the cash to purchase warm blankets.

Nisha with wrestler Bhagawati Khadka

In her Facebook page, Nisha has also shared some photos of hers with female professional wrestler of Nepal, Bhagawati Khadka. Nisha hasn’t detailed whether she is planning to work together with Bhagawati in some projects or if these photos are only fun shots.

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