No more sexy films for Sumina Ghimire, realizes sex doesn’t sell

Actress Sumina Ghimire has realized that the films on sex theme don’t have future. After acting in some hot movies and showing some skin, Sumina has decided not to do such films any more. None of the so-called-hot-movies could recover their businesses. They also caused negative impact on Sumina’s career. Sumina was left without any movies for some time.

Bhimdutt charity event

Photo – ‘Bhimdutta’ charity event at Jai Nepal Chitraghar theater. (Photo credit – Nisha Adhikari)

Sumina was talking during a charity show of her upcoming movie ‘Bhimdutta’. The biopic movie directed by Himgyap Tasi is made on historical plot and Sumina is featured as a simple village girl in the movie. The movie features Sumina Ghimire, Nisha Adhikari, Nawal Khadka, Ramesh Budhathoki, and Rabi Giri in main roles.

Talking about her previous movies Sumina said, "I had done those movies to show my acting talent. Now, I will only do the movies made on good script."

Better late than never, Sumina has realized sex doesn’t sell in Nepali film industry. In the charity event, Sumina was wearing a full-covering, full sleeve kurta. It’s not only Sumina, other actresses like Jiya KC and Binita Baral aren’t doing any movies these days.

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