Oscars, Avatar and The Hurt Locker

best_picture_awards_oscars Many had expected "Avatar" to bag the best picture award. But it was "The Hurt Locker" that won the award making some new records in the Oscars’ history:

  • The Hurt Locker is the lowest-grossing best picture winner of all time.
  • Also a first time – a lowest-grossing movie beat the the highest-grossing movie in modern history, Avatar.
  • One of the producers of the winner movie was banned from attending the Academy Awards – and that was also the first in the Awards history.

In the history of the Oscars sci-fi genre has rarely been rewarded and some suspect that might be the reason Avatar couldn’t get the best picture award. A couple of examples to support the notion:

In 1977, "Star Wars" lost best picture awards to a low-budget comedy "Annie Hall" and in 1982, "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial" was beaten by "Gandhi". In future, "Avatar" will be referred in the similar manner if the history repeats again.

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