Rabi Lamichhane Divorce, affair with Nikita Poudel, FDB Chair

Two surprises at the same time:

1) Rabi Lamichhane, record breaking journalist’s divorce
2) Affair with Nikita Poudel, the chief of Film Development Board

Nikita, the daughter of Uddav Poudel, had recently divorced. Nikita and Rabi live in the same apartment. They are “good friends” and Nikita knows the name and details about Rabi’s ex-wife. But, when asked about affair or love relationship, both Rabi and Nikita say that is not true.

Watch the following video:

Nikita Poudel caused  Rabi Lamichhane Divorce ? रवि लामिछानेको खुलासा - डिभोर्सको कारण यस्तो

Things are interesting:

Who is Rabi Lamichhane?

The celebrity news reporter, Rabi raised in fame after making a record interview program for World Record – running a progrm continuously for 62 hours.

Who is Nikita Poudel?

When Nikita was appointed the FDB chair in 2017, she was accused of paying Rs. 50 lakh, under-table. Although Nikita denied such accusation, there were few who believed her. Because, Nikita is rich and can afford to do that.

Nikita was appointed by the outgoing government – in a hurry when it lost election and KP Oli was confirmed to be the next prime minister. The FDB Chair post was actually vacant for few months. The appointment wasn’t considered a priority of the government at that time – but, the cabinet deiced it was important.

– Out of all the possible candidates, Nikita Poudel was the least know personality. She was only known as the daughter of Uddav Poudel. She hadn’t contributed to the Nepali film industry. The only film related work she did was – she was named the producer of a movie ‘Homework’, an unsuccessful film directed by her brother and produced by her father’s banner. Having a name as the producer didn’t mean she did work in the film.

And, Nikita’s father was the secretary of one of the parties in the government at that time.

The next government, KP Oli government, tried to nullify Nikita’s appointment. But, she went to the court to stay the government order.

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