Richa Singh Thakuri, Madan Ghimire tries to create a controversy to promote Maya Gara La

The team of the movie scheduled to released on Baisakh 19, ‘Maya Gara La’ hasn’t been able to reach actress Richa Singh Thakuri for the publicity of the movie. The availability of the actress for the publicity is considered critical on the success of the movie.

maya gara la poster

By the way the unavailability of the actress has been publicized, it is more about defaming the actress than the publicity of the movie. We suspect, the movie team  wants to create controversy over the actress to promote the movie. It started when the director Madan Ghimire has asked a journalist to help find his actress before the release of the movie.

Dubai Bar Dancer Nepali actresses

According to rumors, Richa Singh Thakuri is in Dubai. She is a dancer in a dance bar in the Arab country. The film makers have contacts with Richa’s friends and families and they are highly likely to know the whereabouts of the actress. We believe, asking journalist to find the actress is just a publicity stunt. We had previously written about the actresses who regularly go to Dubai to dance in the casinos and dance bars there. Richa Singh Thakuri is one of the actresses mentioned in the article (see the video above).

The director Ghimire also told that Richa hasn’t been in contact since the dubbing of the movie. Madan Ghimire is had previously directed a movie made on dance bars and bar girls – ‘Bouncer’ (watch ‘Bouncer’ here).

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