Saugat Bista offered Rs. 350k scholarship in his school

The Guinness World Records holder for being the youngest movie director, Saugat Bista, has been offered a full scholarship in the school he is going now. The grade 2 student, Saugat, will be able to study till grade 10 for free from the Rs. 350,000 scholarship offered by Suryodaya Secondary School.

saugat bista guinness record

Laxya Bahadur KC, the school principal, has told that he and the school is proud of Saugat for his extraordinary job.

Saugat had directed a full feature film ‘Love You Baba’ and released the movie on December of 2014. At the time of the release, Saugat was 7 years and 340 days old. Guinness World Records had recognized him as the youngest feature film director in the world. Saugat had acted in a movie titled ‘Janmabhumi’ before he got the idea of directing a movie himself. ‘Janmabhumi’ is scheduled to release on April 24, 2015.

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