Shooting of gangster movie, Naaike started

The shooting of upcoming movie ‘Naike’ has started in Pokhara. The movie to be made on a gangster story features actors Aryan Sigdel, Rem BK, Bodhraj Regmi, Surbina Karki and Sarika KC will be featured in main roles.

naaike start shooting pokhara

The shooting of the movie being directed by Netra Guurng started in a formal ceremony held at the Bindebasini temple. The movie made under Black Sando Production is produced jointly by Jagadish Khanal, Anand Chhetri, Narayan Khanal, Sangita Parajuli and Resha Gurung.

The shooting of the movie will be done in an around Pokhara and is expected to be completed in a month. The cinematographer of the movie is Arjun Tiwari and it will feature the action of Sanukumar Maharjan. The movie is expected to cost Rs. 5 million to make.

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Bodhraj Regmi, Rem BK, Aryan Sigdel, Netra Gurung,

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