Private Rita Rana – the first female Gurkha?

27 year old Private Rita Rana followed the footsteps of her ex British Gurkha father to join the British military in 2010. As there is no record of any other Nepali women in British Army, she can be termed the first female Gurkha.


Rita’s father had served 27 years in 2Bn the Royal Ghurkha Rifles. But, she is not in the Royal Gurkha Rifles, and can’t be termed a Gurkha officially.

Pte. Rita Rana is from the Germany-based 1Bn the Princess of Wales’ Royal Regt. (Read more here, a 2010 news article)

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Gurkha solider gets Britain's second highest medal for bravery

Dipprasad-pun Gurkha soldiers are known for fighting single-handedly against a number of enemies. Last time, it was Indian Army Gurkha who fought more than 40 train robbers, in India to save a girl from being raped.

Now, a British Army Gurkha soldier was honored by Britain’s second highest medal for bravery for fighting off at least a dozen Taliban insurgents.

Acting Sergeant Dip Prasad Pun was stationed in a checkpoint near Babaji, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. On September 17, 2010 militants opened fire from all direction.

Alone on the roof, Pun fought  rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s. He fired a more than 400 rounds of bullets, detonated a mine, and launched 17 grenades in about fifteen minutes of intense fight. He even used the machine gun tripod to knock down an insurgent, trying to climb up to his position.

In a BBC news article, Pun says, "I think I am a very lucky guy, a survivor. Now I am getting this award, it is very great and I am very happy."

The Conspicuous Gallantry Cross medal is only one level below the Victoria Cross, the highest medal a British Army personnel can get. The 31 year old Acting Sergeant Dipprasad Pun’s father and grandfather both had been Gurkha in British Army. (Photo credits – BBC)