Nepali Movie – Aawara (2017)

Nepali Movie – Aawara
Starring – Rajesh Dhungana, Harshika Shrestha etc.
Director – Dinesh Poudel

About ‘Aawara’

A presentation of Rajesh Dhungana, Nepali movie ‘Aawara’ is made under Ruku Films banner. Rajesh is also featured in leading role opposite to Harshika Shrestha The producers of the movie arre Ugrashen Dhungana and Jhama Lama. The music of the movie is composed by Om Sunar, action by Himal KC, editing by Nabin Niraula and the cinematography by Shambhu Sapota. The movie was released on May 16, 2016 (Read release news of ‘Aawara’)

There is another movie named ‘Aawara’ featuring Rajesh Hamal. And, another movie named similarly is ‘Aawaran’ featuring Priyanka Karki in leading role. Both movies are available to watch in xnepali.

Watch ‘Aawara’ full Nepali movie:
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Nepali Movie – Kampan

kampan-nepali-movie-nameNepali Movie – Kampan
Starring – Anchila Basnet, Sitaram Timilsina, Anil Kumar Budhathoki, Anu Parajuli, Rajesh Dhunga etc.
Director – Dinesh Poudel

About ‘Kampan’

The movie ‘Kampan’ is made on a story of earthquake of 2015. The movie directed by Dinesh Poudel was released on June 17, 2016. Although the movie is based on one of the most serious incident in the modern history of Nepal, its theatre presence wasn’t felt. The movie might have been victim of the released of hit movie ‘Gajalu’ which was released a week before ‘Kampan’ release.

Watch the full movie ‘Kampan’
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Nepali Movie – Karamat

karamatNepali Movie – Karamat
StarringSuman Singh, Rohi Shrestha, Samjhana Paykurel, Soniya Sharma, Ashok Shrestha etc.
Writer – Rohi Shrestha
Director – Dinesh Poudel

‘Karamat’ is the presentation of Universe Films by Rohi Shrestha and Raju Maharjan.

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