Nepali Movie – Karodpati (Only description )

Nepali film – Karodpati
Starring :Bhuwan KC, Shusmita KC (New face), Santosh Pant, Ramesh Upreti etc.
Guest Actors – Dolly Thapa, Karishma Manandhar, Sunny Rauniyar, Nir Shah
Direction – Kishor Rana

About ‘Karodpati’

The Nepali movie ‘Karodpati’ is a presentation of actor Bhuwan KC in his home production company Kajal Films banner. The success of the movie established Bhuwan KC as the successful producer of Nepali film industry. The story of the movie is supposedly written by Kajal KC while the script and the dialogue is written by Brajesh Khanal. Kajal KC is the daughter of Bhuwan KC by his first wife Bijaya KC. Kajal lives in the USA with her mother.

Star Cast of ‘Karodpati’

Bhuwan KC – A successful actor and film producer Bhuwan KC is debuting as a director in 2016 in is upcoming movie ‘Dreams’. The movie featuring his son Anmol KC in leading role is one of the most awaited movies of the year. Read the biography of Bhuwan KC and the list of his movies in the following link:

bhuwan kc movies

Sushimita KC – Bhuwan’s ex-wife and the mother of Anmol KC debuted in this hit movie as the leading actress. These days Sushimita is producing a new movie under a new banner named after her son Anmol.

Karishma Manandhar – Karishma is featured in a guest role in the movie. Read the biography and list of her movies in the following link:

films of karishma

Poster of ‘Karodpati’

Nepali Movie – Dakshina

dakshinaNepali Movie -Dakshina
Starring: Niruta Singh, Bhuwan KC, Tulsi Ghimire, Satyajit Gajamer, Dolly Thapa, Rajaram Poudel, Pukar Gurung, Shrawan Ghimire etc.
DirectorTulsi Ghimire

The film ‘Dakshina’ is a presentation of Ajambari Films Pvt. Ltd. The movie features great music and heart touching story – probably one of the best movies of Tulsi Ghimire. In addition to directing Tulsi has also written the story ad did the editing of the film.
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