Dying Candle, Nibhna Lageko Diyo, an introduction

A friend in Twitter asked if I had heard of the movie ‘Dyning Candle’ or ‘Nibhna Lageko Diyo’ in Nepali language. I hadn’t. But, I did a quick search and loved the trailer available in IMDB website (trailer is embedded at the end). The movie set in a remote location seems to be the story of a loving sister and her varied emotions towards her brother and others. I am writing about all the stuffs I could gather from the trailer and the information available online. There is no definitive release date of the movie as the post production and re-shooting seem to be going on.

dying candle shooting photo

The movie ‘Dying Candle’ is written and directed by Naresh Kumar KC. The original screenplay was 145 pages at the time of the start shooting. But, first 88 pages completed the movie although the ending was an unplanned one. The crew lived in the remote village for 45 days to complete the shooting. Every food item except potato had to be imported from Kathmandu. So the crew had mostly to live on potato throughout the shooting.

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