Photography Tutorial – The Deepesh Show (Episode 1)

deepesh_shresthaDeepesh Shrestha teaches you how to take a great photo. In the first tutorial, Deepesh gives some basic tips on the composition of a photo. Some of the issues Deepesh covers in the video are:

  • Rule of third: photo composition, balance and movement of objects in the photo.
  • Golden ratio: composition of photograph in curve.
  • Rule of triangle: Subject should be in the three triangles on the lower portion.
  • Blurring the distractions: Focusing on subject of interest and simplifying the object.
  • Rule of odds: Odd number o
    f subjects makes a photo interesting.

Watch the video to understand the basics of photo composition:

Photography Tips – Burger

We are starting weekly photography tips in which we post a photo and explain how the photograph is taken and what are the specifications of the camera and other details. If you have question regarding the photo, please post your comment in the comment box at the end of the post.

Today’s photo was taken for a magazine based in Amman at Cafe Burger. In the photo posted below, only the burger is in focus whereas the background and french-fries are blurred. Read below the photo to know how Alankar Rai took the photo:


– This photo was shot by Nikon 3000 using a 18-55mm  F3.5-5.6 VR lens kit.

Location – Cafe Burger, Amman. Sunlight is coming from the left side of the window.

To take such photos usually the aperture is opened as wide as possible. Alankar shot it in RAW Format. To enhance the appearance, touch-up was done in Adobe Lightroom 3.0 (Windows) .

Please comment if you have any question.