Taleju Bhawani at Hanumandhoka open for public for Dashain

The only day in the year when the temple of Goddess Taleju Bhawani located at Hanumandhoka, Kathmandu opens for the public is Maha Nawami of Dashain festival. Some 100s of thousand of devotee visit the temple to get a glimpse of the goddess and worship on the day. As per tradition 54 male buffaloes and 54 male goats were also scarified on Maha Asthami (a day before the day it is open to the public).


Build by King Mahendra Malla in 1620 Magh (BS), the three-stores temple is build in traditional pagoda style.

Dharahara is seen in the backgroun
d of a historical photo of Taleju Temple, posted below:

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