Tathastu, film review

‘Tathastu’ Details

Nepali film – Tathastu
StarringRekha Thapa, Kishor Khatiwada, Subash Thapa etc.
DirectorShabir Shrestha 
Release date – January 09, 2015
Gerne – Action, thriller

Tathastu Plot

Nepali film ‘Tathastu’ is about Basanti who is abused by her husband. The film about domestic violence and marital rape is a story of a typical Nepali woman abused by her husband. Basanti’s husband, Kamal, is an influential political figure. Kamal sexually abuses Basanti before marriage and it continues after the marriage. When things become intolerable, Basanti fakes death and runs away to her village.

When Kamal knew that Basanti is alive, he brings her back. The movie ‘Tathastu’ is about the fight of Bananti against her abusing husband.

tathastu poster

Star Cast

The film featuring actress Rekha Thapa is the role of Basanti is directed by a well known director Shabir Shrestha. Unlike her nature of ignoring the films of out-of-house production, she promoted ‘Tathastu’ as if it were in-house production. In the film Rekha has done a good job. She has performed her action roles well. But, she could have done more than what she has in the film.

Subash Thapa as Kamal in negative role is a strong character and Subash has done justice to the role. The film can be considered one of the best one in terms of Subash’s acting. Kishor Khatiwada and other actors have also done justice to their roles.

Hit and Misses

The first half of the movie is entertaining and interesting. The viewers are quite engaged in the first half. But, in the second half the story falls apart and it doesn’t make much sense. Some of the good aspects of the film are Rekha Thapa’s action and the movies theme. But, weak script and flow has ruined the experience of the viewers. There is a break in link in different parts of the story. For example, Basanti, an uneducated girl all of a sudden starts teaching a senior education class. When she is being abuses, there are no signs in her character that show her fighting back characteristics.

The story could be made into a very strong film. But, the script has failed and it has fallen apart. The music

Recommendation – Not recommended.

Rating – [usr=2]

Review by – Robin Manandhar

Rekha Thapa tathastu

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